As creating a drip cake is such a popular topic I wanted to show you this tutorial as well in the basic section. In this way you don't have to sear for a special cake and can just look up how to do it step by step here.
I have prepared a white chocolate drip for this tutorial, but you can also use dark or milk chocolate. The white chocolate* has the advantage you can color it with food colors*. You start by preparing a chocolate ganache with 3:1 chocolate to cream ratio and cool it down to 50°C if your cake is well chilled (a bit colder if your cake is not chilled). To make the ganache even whiter, you can add a few drops of white food color*. Pour the drip into a squeezer bottle* and do a test run on an upside-down box or cup. The chocolate should stop on the vertical surface and not run to the bottom. Now you can start decorating your cake. Squeeze a drop of ganache right at the edge of the cake and let the drop run down. Walk along the edge of the cake in half cm steps and vary the length of the drips. I always make about 5-6 drips and then return to the first one to fill the surface on the cake . This way I move completely around the cake. It has the advantage the drips can harden easily and there is no spilling ganache but you still get a smooth surface.

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