If you have the same issue like me, it's Easter and you didn't have time to bake a fancy Easter themed cake, here is some help. This are super easy carrot cupcakes which you can bake as a last minute Easter treat.
Start with baking some chocolate cupcakes. Doesn't matter if they have an uneven look, in fact it
gives the cupcakes a nice touch if they have cracks and different shapes, as they represent the field the carrots grow on. Now take a big star-tip* and round-tip* to cut an hole (or two, three, ...)
into the cupcake.

Now you prepare some frosting and dye about 3/4 of it in orange*. The rest will get a green* color to represent the carrot tops. Fill the frosting into two piping bags* with a Wilton tip 12* and 32*.

Now it's time to fill the holes in the cupcakes with "carrots" and pipe an additional green spot onto them for the carrot tops.
--> Within a few minutes you get a bunch of super cute Easter cupcakes.

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